Citrus experiment station


Ray of Light

History of UC Riverside

十大网赌网址平台首页是著名的加州大学系统中的一员, which in 2019 marked its 150th anniversary. 我们的高影响力创新历史始于大学成立之初 Citrus Experiment Station and continues through today's transformative research. As we celebrate our past, we prepare next-generation scientists, engineers, performers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers to tackle tomorrow's challenges.

自我们成立以来,UCR的发展反映了南加州的动态增长. Once a small university in a small town, 我们现在是繁荣的南加州内陆地区首屈一指的研究和教育机构. 

Explore our unique history through the milestone links below.


Past Chancellors

Gordon Watkins
Gordon Watkins
Provost, 1949-1956
Herman Spieth
赫尔曼·西奥多·斯皮思(Herman Theodore Spieth)是河滨校区的首席校园官,当时这所规模不大的文理学院正朝着完全的大学地位迈进.
1956年,他被任命为教务长,并一直担任这一头衔,直到1958年,校董会指定河滨分校为普通校园,他的头衔才改为校长. 他一直担任校长,直到1964年他转到加州大学戴维斯分校担任动物学教授. He died in 1988.
Herman Spieth
Provost, 1950 to 1958, Chancellor 1958 to June 1964
Ivan Hinderaker
Ivan Hinderaker was UCR's longest-serving chancellor. 他带领UCR度过了20世纪60年代大多数大学校园普遍存在的社会动荡时期. He died on September 23, 2007.
Ivan Hinderaker
Chancellor, July 1964 to 1979
Tomás Rivera
他是墨西哥裔美国人,早期在西班牙语学校接受教育, Tomás里维拉继续获得高等学位,并于1979年成为加州大学系统的第一位少数族裔校长. During Rivera's tenure, 欣欣向荣的管理研究生院增设了工商管理硕士学位课程. Rivera died in office in 1984.
Tomás Rivera
Chancellor, 1979 to May 1984
Daniel Aldrich
Daniel Gaskill Aldrich, Jr. became the founding chancellor of the UC Irvine campus in 1962. 他在加州大学的学术生涯始于1944年,当时他是河滨市柑橘实验站的一名土壤化学家. 奥尔德里奇后来晋升为农业实验站的化学家. 1984年里维拉校长去世后,他被任命为十大网赌网址平台首页的临时校长. He died in 1990.
Daniel Aldrich
Interim Chancellor, May 1984 to March 1985
Ted Hullar
胡勒于1984年来到河滨大学,担任里维拉校长的执行副校长. He was appointed chancellor in March 1985. While chancellor, 胡勒帮助最终确定了现在蓬勃发展的加州摄影博物馆的场地, laid the foundation for the engineering program, 欢迎第一批从加州大学洛杉矶分校获得工商管理学位的学生.
Ted Hullar
Chancellor, March 1985 to 1987
Rosemary Schraer
1985年,Schraer接受了UCR校长Hullar领导下的执行副校长职位. 1987年,当胡勒校长被调到加州大学戴维斯分校时,她被任命为加州大学系统的第一位女校长. 她的目标是将加州大学洛杉矶分校发展成为加州大学系统下一个伟大的研究型校园,这激发了一个外部捐赠项目, 是什么使外部捐赠从每年300万美元增加到1200多万美元. Schraer died in office in 1992.
Rosemary Schraer
Chancellor, 1987 to 1992
Raymond Orbach
Orbach was the second-longest tenured chancellor at UCR. Under Orbach’s leadership, UCR grew from 8,800 students to over 14,000. Orbach championed a campus-wide building boom, including adding over one-million-square-feet of office, research, and teaching facilities with a value of $250 million. 他于2002年辞职,成为美国科学办公室主任.S. Department of Energy in Washington, D.C.
Raymond Orbach
Chancellor, 1992 to 2002
David H. Warren
Dr. David H. Warren was named interim chancellor in March 2002. 他于1969年加入UCR, 1994年被任命为执行副校长. 他在空间认知和视觉障碍对儿童发展的影响方面撰写了四本书和60篇文章. 他目前是加州大学洛杉矶分校心理学系的名誉教授.
David H. Warren
Interim Chancellor, March 2002 to July 2002
France Córdova
Córdova is an astrophysicist, the 14th director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and president emerita of Purdue University. 她是第一位担任加州大学校长的西班牙裔女性. While serving as chancellor, Córdova的成就包括初步批准在加州大学洛杉矶分校设立医学院, the opening of UCR's Palm Desert Graduate Center, and the addition of over 1.8 million square feet of new or renovated space on campus. She received a Ph.D. in physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1979. In 1993, she was named the chief scientist at NASA.
France Córdova
Chancellor, July 2002 to May 2007
Robert D. Grey
As Interim Chancellor, Grey led the development of the final proposal for the UCR medical school, which includes the business plan and curriculum. It was approved by the Academic Senate in March 2008. Under Grey's leadership, UCR also developed a new enrollment plan, launched a scholarship campaign, and gained Senate approval for a new School of Public Policy.
Robert D. Grey
Interim Chancellor, May 2007 to June 2008
最近,他是拥有23个校区的加州州立大学系统的校长, the largest four-year public higher education system in the country, 他在UCR的成就包括制定了一项名为UCR 2020的10年战略计划, accreditation of the new School of Medicine, the announcement of the new School of Public Policy, and growth of campus enrollment to almost 21,000 students. Under White, Riverside also was selected to host the new UCPath project, 将整个UC系统的基本人力资源业务整合为一项永久性的节约成本措施.
Timothy P. White
Chancellor, July 2008 to December 2012
Jane Close Conoley
她在加州大学洛杉矶分校的成就包括成立了新的医学院, which received 2,400 applications for the 50 spots available for the first class. Under Conoley, 河滨大学被新美国基金会评为“下一代大学”,因为它在经济压力下成功地提高了学生的成绩,并保持了强劲的研究形象,在自然科学和工程方面的影响力被莱顿大学评为世界第10位.
Jane Close Conoley
Interim Chancellor, December 2012 to August 2013


UCR Oral History Project


UCR Oral History Project

University Archives

The designated repository for records, documents, 与加州大学有关的出版物和其他材料, Riverside.

University Archives

UCR Citrus Gifts

UCR柑橘系列是精心策划的美食产品的分类,具有独特的-而且往往是独特的-加州大学的口味, Riverside (UCR) campus.

UCR Citrus Gifts

UCR Department of History

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UCR Department of History